Error: The INSTANCESHAREDWOWDIR Command Line Value Was Not Specified. The Value Must Be Specified When The INSTANCESHAREDDIR Value Is Specified in SQL server 2008

Today i was trying to install sql server 2008 64 bit edition on a machine which already have SQL server 2005 / SQL server 2012 and SQL server 2014  and i receive error

"The INSTANCESHAREDWOWDIR Command Line Value Was Not Specified. The Value Must Be Specified When The INSTANCESHAREDDIR Value Is Specified"

Here issue was SQL is not able to find location of shared component

One of the solution is 

1. "On the Feature Selection screen, specify the folder to install the 64-bit shared component files in the Shared component directory box."

In my case this was not working so i use command prompt to pass location for shared component manually 
i.e. Option 2
2. Open command prompt with open as Administrator.

I have Setup available  @ L:\Softwares\SQLServer2008-x64-ENU\Setup.exe
I want Sql server shared components @ G:\Microsoft SQL Server

So i ran "setup.exe /Action=Install /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR=G:\Microsoft SQL Server"

This will copy shared component file @ "G:\Microsoft SQL Server" and start installation manually.  but make sure wile selecting share component location in Feature selection page you should select same location which you have given manually , in my case its "G:\Microsoft SQL Server " 

So SQL server 2008 installation is success full.

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