Setup Virtual Private Cloud in GCP - LAB

My First VPC in Google Cloud 

Virtual Private Cloud networks help you build the house for all your resources, and help provide the networking for all of your services.

Problem Statement: 

You have been tasked with creating a test VPC network with a public subnet in the IOWA region. Your company would like to provision and test resources as they wish in this environment. In the end, you will provision a VPC network that meets their exact need.

hyptechie, algaestudy, algaeservices

Steps :

  • Create the VPC
  • From Google Cloud console's main navigation, choose VPC Network.
  • Click Create VPC Network. (In a production environment, you would choose the applicable project before creating the VPN Network.
  • Give your VPC a name.
  • On Subnets, click Custom. Give a unique name to your subnet.
  • Set Region to US-Central-1
  • Set you IP Address range to
  • Click Done.
  • Click Create.

algaestudy, hyptechie,

algaestudy, hyptechie,

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My First VPC is ready with its subnet

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