Model Deployment in Distributed machine in Google Cloud Platform - Lab


GCP AI Platform Model Deployment in Distributed machine

 Instance Hands-On Lab


We will go over the process of training a pre-packaged machine learning model on AI Platform, deploying the trained model, and running predictions against it using Distribute Machine.


  • We will focus on AI Platform Aspect not Tenser Flow
  • We will use lot of command on command line/ gcloud usig cloud shell 

Step Summary:

  • Submit training job locally using AI-platform commands
  • Submit training job on AI Platform, both single and distributed
  • Deploy trained model,  and submit predictions

Machine type: 

    • 1 master
    • 4 workers
    • 3 parameter servers 
  • Trained  on 4 machine with 3 parameters server 

If you want a set of scripts to automate much of the process, the scripts and a PDF file of the commands we used can be found at the following public link:  

algae study

If you want to download all scripts and files in a terminal environment, use the below command:

  • gsutil cp gs://acg-gcp-course-exercise-scripts/data-engineer/ai-platform/\* .

(The period at the end is required to copy to your current location).

Step 1: Enable Google cloud API:

  • Go to we console --> Go to Menu --> Search AI platform in Products --> Click on Jobs --> Enable API
  • It will take a few mins to enable, you can also refresh page to check


Step 2: Prepare environment

  • Go to cloud shell and execute commands
    • ### Set region environment variable (i will run in US central 1 environent)
      • REGION=us-central1
    • ### Download and unzip ML github data for demo
      • wget
      • unzip

Step 3: Setup Directory

    • Check the files
      • ls
    • ### Navigate to the cloudml-samples-master > census > estimator directory.
      • cd ~/cloudml-samples-main/census/estimator
    • ### **Develop and validate trainer on local machine**
      • ### Get training data from public GCS bucket
        • mkdir data
        • gsutil -m cp gs://cloud-samples-data/ml-engine/census/data/* data/
    • ### Set path variables for local file paths,  These will change later when we use AI Platform
      • TRAIN_DATA=$(pwd)/data/
      • EVAL_DATA=$(pwd)/data/adult.test.csv

cloudml-samples-master > census > estimator directory.

Step 4: Enable TFS version

  • ### Run sample requirements.txt to ensure we're using same version of TF as sample
    • sudo pip install -r ~/cloudml-samples-master/census/requirements.txt

sudo pip install -r ~/cloudml-samples-master/census/requirements.txt

Step 5: Specify output Directory and Clear it

  • ### Specify output directory, set as variable
    • MODEL_DIR=output
  • ### Best practice is to delete contents of output directory in case
  • ### data remains from previous training run
    • rm -rf $MODEL_DIR/*
Specify output directory

Step 6: Run a local trainer

  • Runing local traini g env using API platform
    • It will take ML model from from git hup repository and train it using our csv data
    • It will train on 1000 data points and evaluate on 100 test data points, to check accuracy
  • ### Run local training using gcloud
    • Its going to training process in local session
    • gcloud ai-platform local train --module-name trainer.task --package-path trainer/   --job-dir $MODEL_DIR -- --train-files $TRAIN_DATA --eval-files $EVAL_DATA  --train-steps 1000 --eval-steps 100
  • You can view result in visula format in product tersorboard dashboard
    • tensorboard --logdir=$MODEL_DIR --port=8080
    • In putput you will get url which you can directly use in chrome. it is a local viewer of accuracy and status to check progress and loss

tensorboard --logdir=$MODEL_DIR --port=8080

you might face error due to issues with code and versions. Please fix in your system

Step 7: Execute trainer on Distributed Instance Instance

  • To run trainer on GCP AI Platform - single instance
  • ### Create regional Cloud Storage bucket used for all output and staging
    • gsutil mb -l $REGION gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-aip-demo
  • ### Upload training and test/eval data to bucket
    • cd ~/cloudml-samples-master/census/estimator
    • gsutil cp -r data gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-aip-demo/data
  • ### Set data variables to point to storage bucket files
    • TRAIN_DATA=gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-aip-demo/data/
    • EVAL_DATA=gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-aip-demo/data/adult.test.csv
  • ### Copy test.json to storage bucket
    • It will be used later for predictions
    • gsutil cp ../test.json gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-aip-demo/data/test.json
  • ### Set TEST\_JSON to point to the same storage bucket file
    • TEST_JSON=gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-aip-demo/data/test.json

Execute trainer on Single Instance

Copy test.json to storage bucket

Step 8: Setup Jobs

  • ### Set variables for job name and output path
    • JOB_NAME=census_dist_1
  • ### Submit a single process job to AI Platform
    • ### Job name is JOB\_NAME (census\_dist\_1)
    • ### Output path is our Cloud storage bucket/job\_name
  • ### Training and evaluation/test data is in our Cloud Storage bucket
gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training $JOB_NAME \
--job-dir $OUTPUT_PATH \
--runtime-version 1.15 \
--module-name trainer.task \
--package-path trainer/ \
--region $REGION \
--scale-tier STANDARD_1 \
-- \
--train-files $TRAIN_DATA \
--eval-files $EVAL_DATA \
--train-steps 1000 \
--verbosity DEBUG \
--eval-steps 100

Deployment in Distributed machine


Step 9: View in AI Platform

  • ### Can view streaming logs/output with gcloud ai-platform jobs stream-logs $JOB\_NAME
  • ### When complete, inspect output path with gsutil ls -r $OUTPUT\_PATH

Distributed machine AI platform cloud google

We can verify training Input from AI Platform and checking output file

We can verify training Input from AI Platform and checking output file

google cloud bucket

Step 9: Prediction Phase

  • ### Deploy a model for prediction, setting variables in the process
    • cd ~/cloudml-samples-master/census/estimator
    • MODEL_NAME=census
  • ### Create the ML Engine model
    • gcloud ai-platform models create $MODEL_NAME --regions=$REGION

Deploy a model for prediction, setting variables in the process

Deploy a model for prediction, setting variables in the process

Our Model binary created is now available in bucket

Our Model binary created is now available in bucket  google cloud

 Step 10: Set the job output we want to use and create model version 

  • ###This example uses census\_dist\_1
    • OUTPUT_PATH=gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-aip-demo/census_dist_1`
  • ##### CHANGE census\_dist\_1 to use a different output from previous
  • ## IMPORTANT - Look up and set full path for export trained model binaries
  • ### gsutil ls -r $OUTPUT\_PATH/export
  • ### Look for directory $OUTPUT\_PATH/export/census/ and copy/paste timestamp value (without colon) into the below command
  • MODEL_BINARIES=gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-aip-demo/census_dist_1/export/census/<timestamp>` ###CHANGE ME!
  • ### Create version 1 of your model

gcloud ai-platform versions create v1 \
--model $MODEL_NAME \
--origin $MODEL_BINARIES \
--runtime-version 1.15

Set the job output we want to use and create model version

Model Deployed in Google cloud API Platform

Step 11:  Generate online prediction first

  • ### Send an online prediction request to our deployed model using test.json file
  • ### Results come back with a direct response

gcloud ai-platform predict \
--model $MODEL_NAME \
--version v1 \
--json-instances \

Generate online prediction first

Step 12: Send a batch prediction job using same test.json file

  • ### Results are exported to a Cloud Storage bucket location
  • ### Set job name and output path variables
    • JOB_NAME=census_prediction_2
  • ### Submit the prediction job

gcloud ai-platform jobs submit prediction $JOB_NAME \
--model $MODEL_NAME \
--version v1 \
--data-format TEXT \
--region $REGION \
--input-paths $TEST_JSON \
--output-path $OUTPUT_PATH/predictions

Send a batch prediction job using same test.json file

Send a batch prediction job using same


gcloud ai-platform jobs submit prediction $JOB_NAME \

--output-path $OUTPUT_PATH/predictions

Step 13: View prediction results in web console at


View prediction results in web console

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